Saturday 19 April 2014

27 NOW!

I didn’t have a blog post planned for today because... well, it’s my birthday, and I gave myself the day off from planning. But I got that blogging bug! It’s part of who I am, what can I say?

So here are some random updates/thoughts swirling through my head on this April 19, 2014. Forgive me if it seems a bit scrambled (you technically have to, since it’s my birthday and all).

I'm 27 now. Some Indonesian think that 27 is maturity phase. Sayangnya itu masih gak berlaku buat gw, i'm still childish and egoist too. Masih suka ngerasa emosian, masih suka ngedepanin ego sendiri, dan masih aja bertingkah ala bocah, dan yang paling parah gw masih cengengesan kalau udah ngomongin masa depan gue sendiri.

Whenever I worry about the future, I instantly look back at what God has already done in my life. God’s never failed and has only ever exceedingly blessed me.

Eh tapi ya, kenapa kalau ulang tahun ngucapin selamatnya sama orangnya ya? bukan sama emaknya? kan yang ngelahirin emaknya, yang berjuang setengah hidup dan mati mamake. Mestinya pada ngucapin selamat sama mamake juga dong.

Jadi hari ini i would to say thank you to my super mom, who bring me alive to this world, and feed me well. Smochhh...

And thank you for my friend, my family, for all best wishes for me... the same wishes for you all...

Salam superb and keep calm...

Pink cake from lovely Grandma, she know i didn't like pink -_-"